Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 2009

Mom is doing very well. She spent several days alone while Jay and I went up to help Shelby and Peter do LOTS of stuff to get the house ready for occupancy. Mom realized that she is able to do all that she needs to and I feel better knowing that when Jay and I go on our 4 day cruise in Jan., that she will be okay.
Mom does not remember anything about her first hospital visit or the ambulance ride to the hospital. It's probably best I told her as it was a very scary time. She asked me lots of questions when I got home from Shelby's and she is amazed that there is not memory of that time.
For everything that she doesn't remember, I am glad that, now, that is the only thing. She now, again, knows her tv schedule, who everyone is, and is driving again. It is good to have her back to normal.
I probably will not post again, unless she gets sick again. This has been a great tool to keep you all informed.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009

Fall is here and all is well. Grandma had an appt with her GP on Thursday this last week and he doesn't want to see her until January! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!! He took her off of one of her medications because her pulse was very very low. Her pulse is up to normal now, a little irregular in the beats but he is happy. One more less pill to take. She gets cold real easy now, but that is worth it to have her healthy. She got the okay to drive also.

The turmeric is really helping with everything. She still has no pain in her feet from the neuropathy. If you want to know what brand and where I get it, just let me know. It is a gently detox for the liver and is does so many other great things, I think everyone should be on it, I know I am starting to take it. Who knows what it will help me with.

We see her internist on Wednesday and hope that we get the same good news. The new diabetic medication is working great. Here fasting blood sugars are running 104 to 120 in the mornings which is when he wanted me to check it for her.

Well, will update again in about a week. Jay and I are headed to Prescott to take Sean and Karli to dinner before he leaves for Texas for 9 weeks.