Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 2009

Mom is doing very well. She spent several days alone while Jay and I went up to help Shelby and Peter do LOTS of stuff to get the house ready for occupancy. Mom realized that she is able to do all that she needs to and I feel better knowing that when Jay and I go on our 4 day cruise in Jan., that she will be okay.
Mom does not remember anything about her first hospital visit or the ambulance ride to the hospital. It's probably best I told her as it was a very scary time. She asked me lots of questions when I got home from Shelby's and she is amazed that there is not memory of that time.
For everything that she doesn't remember, I am glad that, now, that is the only thing. She now, again, knows her tv schedule, who everyone is, and is driving again. It is good to have her back to normal.
I probably will not post again, unless she gets sick again. This has been a great tool to keep you all informed.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009

Fall is here and all is well. Grandma had an appt with her GP on Thursday this last week and he doesn't want to see her until January! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!! He took her off of one of her medications because her pulse was very very low. Her pulse is up to normal now, a little irregular in the beats but he is happy. One more less pill to take. She gets cold real easy now, but that is worth it to have her healthy. She got the okay to drive also.

The turmeric is really helping with everything. She still has no pain in her feet from the neuropathy. If you want to know what brand and where I get it, just let me know. It is a gently detox for the liver and is does so many other great things, I think everyone should be on it, I know I am starting to take it. Who knows what it will help me with.

We see her internist on Wednesday and hope that we get the same good news. The new diabetic medication is working great. Here fasting blood sugars are running 104 to 120 in the mornings which is when he wanted me to check it for her.

Well, will update again in about a week. Jay and I are headed to Prescott to take Sean and Karli to dinner before he leaves for Texas for 9 weeks.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sept. 13, 2009

Well, Grandma is still doing well. Here appetite is back and she is getting around with out her cane/s in the house. She wants to get out now. Not always out of the vehicle, but out and about town.
I hope you are all well. Sean is preparing to go to TX for training in Oct. Shelby is working with the same little boy as last year. Hopefully this will be her last year that she will be an aide and she will have her own classroom.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9-9-09 UPDATE

WOW, this has been a great week.

1. Grandma's blood thinning medication is finally stable again. She doesn't have to have her ProTime checked for 4 weeks instead of every week.

2. Her new diabetic medication is working with fewer side effects than the other one. She doesn't have to see the doc for 1 month (instead of every week).

3. The walker stays in the bathroom for security there. She was using 2 canes for a couple of days and today she went to get her hair done, doctor visit and I took her out to lunch and she only used one of them, even though she took 2.

She is SO much better. I know that this has to do with several things.
I. I have gotten frustrated with her and told her so on several occasions.
2. I told her that I would do everything I could to help her, but she had to want to get better and until she showed me that, I was not going to baby her.
3. I put her on a very good multivitamin that I know dissolves as it is not a tablet, but a capsule.
4. I started giving her tumeric. This is used as a gentle detox of the liver to get all 3 of the POWERFUL antibiotics out of her system. It started working in about a week.

I am happy to say that she is laughing now and very proud that she is getting better and told the nurse today that she plans on getting good enough to drive again so she can be independent. YIPEE!

Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, good thoughts and everything else you have done for my Mom.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sept. 5 2009

WELL, Grandma is finally making enough progress that I can see it. I put her on Tumeric (in the curry family of spices). It is supposed to do a gentle detox of the liver. Just what people have been telling me she needed to get rid of the antibiotics. I have to believe that is is working. She WANTS to do her exercises so she can get stronger. She is eating better and her memory is much better. Now, we just have to get her pulse up. It has been running in the 44 range. Needs to be up. Dr. B. took her off of one of her meds. that makes her pulse slow and it is coming up just a little bit, but it has not even been a week.
Her new diabetic medication seems to be working well. Those numbers are running in the 120's to 140's and her picky internist is very happy with the numbers.
If all the next few weeks get better and better, I will be a happy daughter. Now we just have to put some weight back on her. She has lost a LOT.
I hope to be updating this with more good news often...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Aug. 31, 2009

Well, Grandma had a great weekend. Either she was putting on a show for Shelby and Peter or she is just deciding to get better. I had a face to face talk with her the other day and asked her if she was just going to lay in the bed until she died. And if so, I was having no part of it. I said I wanted her better, but she had to want to get better and it was all up to her. I would take her anywhere she wanted to help, but I was tired of 'making her want to get better'. Well, she must of thought a lot about that because every morning she gets to the dining table by herself and has breakfast, reads the paper and is being cooperative. FINALLY...

Took her to GP doc today and her memory test was right on, and I can see that it is getting better too. Her pulse is very low so Dr. Borecky took her off of one of her pills to see how that works.
I looks like the new diabetic medication is working, we see that doctor next week.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27. 2009

Well, today is Shelby's birthday. Happy 25 years to her.

My Mom is a little better every day. The heat is keeping us from going out to her exercise classes at t have a new cane for her to try. That would be a big step forward. Her memory is coming back which was a huge fear of mine that it would not.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
