Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 2009

Mom is doing very well. She spent several days alone while Jay and I went up to help Shelby and Peter do LOTS of stuff to get the house ready for occupancy. Mom realized that she is able to do all that she needs to and I feel better knowing that when Jay and I go on our 4 day cruise in Jan., that she will be okay.
Mom does not remember anything about her first hospital visit or the ambulance ride to the hospital. It's probably best I told her as it was a very scary time. She asked me lots of questions when I got home from Shelby's and she is amazed that there is not memory of that time.
For everything that she doesn't remember, I am glad that, now, that is the only thing. She now, again, knows her tv schedule, who everyone is, and is driving again. It is good to have her back to normal.
I probably will not post again, unless she gets sick again. This has been a great tool to keep you all informed.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009

Fall is here and all is well. Grandma had an appt with her GP on Thursday this last week and he doesn't want to see her until January! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!! He took her off of one of her medications because her pulse was very very low. Her pulse is up to normal now, a little irregular in the beats but he is happy. One more less pill to take. She gets cold real easy now, but that is worth it to have her healthy. She got the okay to drive also.

The turmeric is really helping with everything. She still has no pain in her feet from the neuropathy. If you want to know what brand and where I get it, just let me know. It is a gently detox for the liver and is does so many other great things, I think everyone should be on it, I know I am starting to take it. Who knows what it will help me with.

We see her internist on Wednesday and hope that we get the same good news. The new diabetic medication is working great. Here fasting blood sugars are running 104 to 120 in the mornings which is when he wanted me to check it for her.

Well, will update again in about a week. Jay and I are headed to Prescott to take Sean and Karli to dinner before he leaves for Texas for 9 weeks.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sept. 13, 2009

Well, Grandma is still doing well. Here appetite is back and she is getting around with out her cane/s in the house. She wants to get out now. Not always out of the vehicle, but out and about town.
I hope you are all well. Sean is preparing to go to TX for training in Oct. Shelby is working with the same little boy as last year. Hopefully this will be her last year that she will be an aide and she will have her own classroom.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9-9-09 UPDATE

WOW, this has been a great week.

1. Grandma's blood thinning medication is finally stable again. She doesn't have to have her ProTime checked for 4 weeks instead of every week.

2. Her new diabetic medication is working with fewer side effects than the other one. She doesn't have to see the doc for 1 month (instead of every week).

3. The walker stays in the bathroom for security there. She was using 2 canes for a couple of days and today she went to get her hair done, doctor visit and I took her out to lunch and she only used one of them, even though she took 2.

She is SO much better. I know that this has to do with several things.
I. I have gotten frustrated with her and told her so on several occasions.
2. I told her that I would do everything I could to help her, but she had to want to get better and until she showed me that, I was not going to baby her.
3. I put her on a very good multivitamin that I know dissolves as it is not a tablet, but a capsule.
4. I started giving her tumeric. This is used as a gentle detox of the liver to get all 3 of the POWERFUL antibiotics out of her system. It started working in about a week.

I am happy to say that she is laughing now and very proud that she is getting better and told the nurse today that she plans on getting good enough to drive again so she can be independent. YIPEE!

Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, good thoughts and everything else you have done for my Mom.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sept. 5 2009

WELL, Grandma is finally making enough progress that I can see it. I put her on Tumeric (in the curry family of spices). It is supposed to do a gentle detox of the liver. Just what people have been telling me she needed to get rid of the antibiotics. I have to believe that is is working. She WANTS to do her exercises so she can get stronger. She is eating better and her memory is much better. Now, we just have to get her pulse up. It has been running in the 44 range. Needs to be up. Dr. B. took her off of one of her meds. that makes her pulse slow and it is coming up just a little bit, but it has not even been a week.
Her new diabetic medication seems to be working well. Those numbers are running in the 120's to 140's and her picky internist is very happy with the numbers.
If all the next few weeks get better and better, I will be a happy daughter. Now we just have to put some weight back on her. She has lost a LOT.
I hope to be updating this with more good news often...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Aug. 31, 2009

Well, Grandma had a great weekend. Either she was putting on a show for Shelby and Peter or she is just deciding to get better. I had a face to face talk with her the other day and asked her if she was just going to lay in the bed until she died. And if so, I was having no part of it. I said I wanted her better, but she had to want to get better and it was all up to her. I would take her anywhere she wanted to help, but I was tired of 'making her want to get better'. Well, she must of thought a lot about that because every morning she gets to the dining table by herself and has breakfast, reads the paper and is being cooperative. FINALLY...

Took her to GP doc today and her memory test was right on, and I can see that it is getting better too. Her pulse is very low so Dr. Borecky took her off of one of her pills to see how that works.
I looks like the new diabetic medication is working, we see that doctor next week.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27. 2009

Well, today is Shelby's birthday. Happy 25 years to her.

My Mom is a little better every day. The heat is keeping us from going out to her exercise classes at t have a new cane for her to try. That would be a big step forward. Her memory is coming back which was a huge fear of mine that it would not.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Aug 17th 2pm

I took grandma to one of MANY exercise classes at the Senior Center here in town. She was NOT HAPPY, but we are going to go 2-3 times a week, even if she doesn't like it. I believe that it will get easier as her energy level increases from this program.
She has not bounced back after her 2nd stay in the hospital, even though that reason was much less severe than her first stay. Her memory has really been affected. I have a feeling that she will not fully recover mentally. This is a very sad idea, considering that before her first stay in the hospital, she was driving, shopping, cooking, doing laundry, etc. and now, it is hard to even get her to the table to eat a meal. Speaking of meals, that is another problem. She really doesn't want to eat, so i am kinda force feeding her. Mostly cottage cheese, jello, applesauce and olives (for variety of taste and texture). I have gotten her to have a little chicken and she does seem to like shrimp cocktail type shrimp. I also have started her on a good multivitamin in a capsule form so that I know that it will dissolve better as well as vitamin water varied with plain water.
One of her diabetic medications was causing a lot of bad side effects that she never told her doctor about. He stated her on a new one at the lowest level and I am testing her every morning to see how it is working. The major side effect of this medication is increase appetite. This is a good side effect for her. We just started this last week, so it will take about 3 weeks to get the new meds really into her system.
This is a very hard road for me to go down. Her memory has been slowly slipping for the last year or so, but this is a major leap. I noticed it but said nothing, but Shelby has really noticed it. She also said nothing until this last major problem.
When we see her GP next, he is going to give her a memory test to see how she does. I am sure that I will be asking for one of the new meds to help dementia.
If any of you are interested in learning more, RiteAid Pharmacy has a great video on it. We all see lot's of our new life in it.
Keep me and grandma in your daily thoughts, as this is a life changing time for us.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday in Prescott

Jay, Grandma and I made it here just fine. Grandma made the trip just fine. Shelby and Amy (travel buddy) are on their way here this evening. Will see Sean tomorrow. Pictures in the am and a meal and then at 3pm the ceremony should begin.

PS Thanks to Pace for saving the day!!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sat. AM Aug 8th

Grandma got the OKAY to travel to AZ for Sean's commissioning on Monday. Her right foot is still a little swollen, but is not getting worse and it is a lot better than when we started with the swollen foot syndrome. She is feeling much better and her appetite is is coming back and she wants 'to get out of this house' for a while. Always a good sign.

Off to pack for the trip to AZ. YEAH. Sean's dream is coming true.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wed. Aug. 5, 2009

Mom is doing VERY WELL. The only problem we have now is her feet are swelling. She is finding out how I felt the last 2 months of my pregnancy with Shelby. On your back/side with feet prompted up on pillows.
It's looking like we are over the July hurdle. Thank goodness.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday Aug 4, 2009

Mom is doing great. Her feet are quite swollen, but I think I have figured it out. We will see. I have her feet prompted up, changed one of her meds back to what it was before this entire mess started. We see the doctor on Fri.

Sean got his first set of orders. After his training in TX, he and Karli will be heading "North, to Alaska"! BRRR! Now, I have a real place to go visit! Cruise up and visit and then come home.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Aug 2, 2009 7AM

Grandma and I both had a great night sleep in our own beds last night. She is doing well. Her feet are swollen, but I have them propted up so they will look normal again later.

Oh my, it is good to be home.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Aug 1 2009 6:30pm


What a mess. The two doctors yesterday said she could go home today, but, the forgot to put it in their charting notes. Today, another doctor from the group stopped by and said he had to talk to the ortho. doc. before discharging Mom. Well, 3+ hours later, we were still there. The RN said she would look into it. In the mean time, a discharge coordinator stopped by the room to make plans to discharge Mom to a skilled nursing facility for 48 hours. OH NO, THIS WAS NOT HAPPEING. She is in better shape today than she was the last time I brought her home. I told her that she was going home with me, if I had to take her out without doctors orders.

At 12:50, the RN came in and finally had reached both the doctors that needed to release her and got it all taken care of. GOD BLESS Mechelle. She hung her last IV antibiotic. That took over 2 hours to get into her system (the usual time) and went over paperwork with me, called for the wheelchair escort to take us down. WELL, 30 minutes later, she called them again and told me if they were not there in 10 minutes to let her know. I told her that I had my own wheelchair in the van and I would take her down myself, but we were leaving the hospital today!

Well the wheelchair showed up, took us down to the van, and now Mom is napping in her own bed.

She had wonderful caring people taking care of her and I have no complaints except for the doctor this morning. I will be talking to Dr. Borecky about this issue. He is so new to Graybill, he didn't even know all the doctors names and didn't want to take responsibility for sending her home. If she had to stay another day because of him, he was going to be paying for that day in the hospital!

Mom is walking slowly with her walker. She is able to get down the hall to the bathroom and back to her room again. Much better than when she came home 2 weeks ago.

Will update Sunday...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday July 31 10:30pm

Last call for the night. It has been a good evening. Dinner, Mom sitting up several times tonight. Still hoping to go home tomorrow. I don't see why not. Then, I have to get Mom's energy up and her knee good so she can take the trip to AZ. Just found out that we are going over to Prescott on Sunday and Sean will be in CA until Sunday night. Oh well, wish I had known that earlier.

I am looking forward to having both kids their partners home for Christmas. We have not had them both home for Christmas for about 3 years, I think. Just need to get on a schedule. This could be our last chance to have Sean home for Christmas for some time. He has spent the last 2 years in Prescott and Shelby went to visit Peter's fam in Washington last year and got to play in the snow and had a blast. Every other year would be great to share back and forth. I know that we have to enjoy it while he is still state side before he gets sent overseas where he wants to go and I do want one year to have the family together. It will be great fun.

Grandma should be up to par by then and I am sure that there will be plans for fun things to do. Cooking, games, movies, friends, gifts and a surprise of 2, who knows. Just hope we can make it work.

Will let everyone know when we get home!!!!!!! A shower will be great and seeing Shannen tomorrow will be a blessing for my hair

July 21 Fri 2:30pm

This morning, the internist was in and as far as he is concerned, Mom can go home. Now, it is all up the orthopedic doctor. He is coming in today (probably at dinner?????????????) to drain the fluid off of Mom's knee and send the fluid for cultures. The fluid that was sent out on Tues. is still not back yet. We really want to go home and get into our own beds!

Today, Mom has been up twice sitting in chairs as she is getting tired of being in bed. Her knee is not as painful as it has been.

I think that we have been here too long as some of the food Mom says is actually good. The ziti was wonderful and today's lunch soup was good. Her appetite is good, just have to build up her strength, AGAIN.

Until I have more to report, TTFN, Jennie

Friday July 31 3:30pm

Dr. Metros (ortho) just left. He was unable to draw any fluid out of Mom's knee. GOOD NEWS! The prelim. cultures from Tues are negative for growth (no infec.). What we have here is arthritis (pseudo gout). The best treatment will be occasional injec. of cortisone to her knee. No surg. to the knee.

Dr. Metros says that as far as he is concerned, Mom can travel to Prescott for Sean's commissioning. Just have to get the okay from Dr. Borecky or Dr. Rodriguez. I know how much she wants to go, so she will work hard to be able to go.

Technically, she could have:
chondrocalcinosis /chon·dro·cal·ci·no·sis/ (-kal″sĭ-no´sis) the presence of calcium salts, especially calcium pyrophosphate, in the cartilaginous structures of one or more joints.

Unless something happens between now and Sat. AM, we will be leaving this establishment and going home.

The physical therapist just left and Mom got up and walked about 25 feet with the walker VERY WELL. I am confident that going home will be easier this time than it was the first of the month. Strength building and endurance is what we need to work on.

It's all good news. I will keep the blog going to keep everyone up to date on how she is doing after we get home. TTFN

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thurs July 30 9:20pm

Today has been a good day. Mom's knee is less swollen and is almost back to a normal temp. The knee is still very tender to touch, but doesn't pain Mom other than that. This is good news. She can move her knee some without too much pain. She has only taken 1 pain pill and that was Wed. night.

Dr. Metros the orthopedic/sports medicine doctor stopped in this evening. He is not sure that there is an infection in her knee. Boy, I love it when the doctors don't agree! ARGH! He is coming in tomorrow and draining the fluid off of her knee and will send in his own cultures. We don't know any results yet of the cultures that were from the fluid taken in the doctors office on Tues.

I don't know if we are going home tomorrow or not. There has not been any discussion about that yet. I am thinking that these 2 doctors need to talk to each other before anyone discharges Mom.

So, until I know more Friday AM, goodnight.

Thurs July 30 8am

The doctor came in this morning and:
1. the CAT Scan done yesterday was normal. YEAH!
2. the cardiac echo done yesterday was normal. YEAH!

She may be a little anemic, but he thinks that might be due to the IV fluids and all the water she drinks diluting her blood. He is taking her off of the IV fluids to see if this helps.

We just noticed that she has some bleeding from her PICC line area, and after 10 minutes, the nurse has still NOT COME to the room. I am on my way down there now! They come instantly when was need more water, but I don't think this is worth waiting over. ERG!

The doctor is not sure she will be able to travel to Prescott for Sean's commissioning ceremony. Maybe if she flies, that is so not fair. Maybe she will have a rapid recovery and can travel. Will not know until the last minute.
More later, Jennie

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

grandma, Wed. 9:45

Grandma had a pain pill for her knee and it is helping. Her knew is also not so 'hot'. It's been a long day and she is getting sleepy and I had a horrible nigh sleeping in 2 chairs made into a ?bed?. The Charge Nurse found me a pull out bed to sleep in which is nice. We have a big corner room so there is room. There will be more to report tomorrow, Thurs. after the doctor has been in. We may have some answers to several of the tests she had today.

Will post again tomorrow...jennie

Wed. July 29, 2009 3:00pm

Okay, Mom has had her MRI with contract to check her brain. No results yet, except that we know that she still has a brain.
She got her PICC line in at lunch and the line is in the right place so we can start her IV antibiotics.
She is eating well which is a good thing.
Mom is getting great care. I think it helps that I am here 24\7 and they know it.
Thank you to everyone who is praying and sending good healing thoughts her way.
She has to get good enough to travel to Prescott for Seans commissioning with the doctors permission. I know that as a family, we have been waiting for this day for a long time, so we all really want her to be there. I got a hotel reservation at a nice hotel so we have room to move, got a great price. So we are planning on taking her with us, always thinking positive about this.

till next time...

July 28 Update, 10am

Well, here is the new plan of attack for Grandma: She was admitting again to the hosp. on Tues afternoon.

Wed.: Mr. Mallow (internist) came in this morning and we are going to attack this with a vengeance apparently. She is going to get another PICC line. This allows her to have IV antibiotics, which she will need between 2-4 weeks, depending on how her knee responds. The knee is still very warm and painful this morning she has had 2 IV antibiotic treatments so far. The PICCC line allows me to do the IV antibiotics at home when she is discharged; the length of stay is still to be determined.

She is having a MRI with contrast right now at 9:30am. Also, she will have a cardiac echo to make sure that her heart is functioning properly. She will also have an ortho. consult to check her knee. If the antibiotics don’t or can’t clear up the infection, she might need surgery. GAWD I hope not, she is not one for surgery, let alone rehab. She does have an order for pain medical for her knee.

She feels good other than her knee right now. As you can imagine, she is very frustrated being fussed over. More info to come as it arises. Jennie

Mom of a US Army officer! Commissioning is in Aug. Then off to OK or GA for more training. Mess with me and you can deal with him. I have a new daughter. Sean married Karli Kinon McFarling on May 24th.
Busy helping to plan a wedding for Shelby and Peter for June 2010.
EX-CA Grand Bethel MARSHAL Mom ;(, but Shelby made it a year to remember forever.